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Spare Parts & Components

Spare Parts & Components

With the right maintenance procedures and intervals, many of our components are made to last for decades, but some will eventually need to be replaced more frequently. We guarantee the availability of all necessary goods at our main depots since we understand how important it is to respond quickly to your most frequent parts replacement requests. We serve customers worldwide and respond to inquiries via your selected shipping option in less than a day. In certain instances, if the necessary part or parts are not in stock, we shall direct our own suppliers to ship your parts via air freight, usually in a matter of two working days.

Reverse Osmosis Membranes

Reverse osmosis membranes are the heart of reverse osmosis systems. These thin film filters act as a selective barrier, allowing water molecules to pass through while rejecting dissolved salts, minerals, and other contaminants. They are crucial for producing clean drinking water from seawater, brackish water, or even wastewater. By using pressure to overcome the natural flow of contaminants, these membranes are essential for various applications requiring high-quality purified water.

Membrane Housings / Pressure Vessels

Membrane housings, also known as pressure vessels, are cylindrical containers that house reverse osmosis (RO) membranes within a water treatment system. Typically made from durable materials like fiberglass or stainless steel, these housings protect the delicate RO membranes while withstanding the high pressure used during the purification process. They come in various sizes and configurations to accommodate different RO system capacities and membrane types. Membrane housings play a vital role in ensuring safe and efficient operation of RO systems by providing a secure environment for the membranes and maintaining the system’s pressure integrity.

High Pressure Pumps

High Pressure Pumps

High-pressure pumps are the workhorses of reverse osmosis (RO) systems. These powerful pumps are responsible for creating the high pressure needed to force water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane, leaving contaminants behind. They come in various capacities and configurations to suit the specific needs of different RO systems. Typically, high-pressure pumps in RO systems are multi-stage pumps, meaning they use multiple stages to progressively increase the water pressure. This gradually builds the force required to overcome the osmotic pressure of the feed water and achieve the desired level of purification. By providing the necessary pressure, high-pressure pumps play a crucial role in the efficient operation of RO systems.

Dosing Pumps

Dosing pumps, also known as chemical metering pumps, are precision instruments used in reverse osmosis (RO) systems to accurately inject controlled amounts of specific chemicals. These pumps play a critical role in optimizing the RO process by delivering precise dosages of anti-scalants, biocides, pH adjusters, and other treatment chemicals. Unlike high-pressure pumps that focus on raw water flow, dosing pumps handle smaller volumes of concentrated chemicals with high accuracy. Their controlled and consistent dosing ensures proper treatment of the feed water, preventing membrane scaling, controlling bacterial growth, and optimizing overall system performance.

Filter Vessels

Filter Vessel

Filter vessels, sometimes referred to as housings or cartridges, are essential components in various filtration systems. These pressurized containers hold filter media, such as cartridge filters, bag filters, or even specialized elements depending on the application. Filter vessels come in a variety of sizes, materials (like stainless steel or plastic), and configurations to suit different filtration needs. They play a crucial role in the filtration process by providing a secure environment for the filter media and allowing treated water to flow through while trapping contaminants within the chosen filter element. Their design often incorporates features for easy replacement of the filter media, ensuring efficient and streamlined maintenance of the filtration system.

Cartridge Filter Housings

Cartridge Filter Housings

Cartridge filter housings are a specific type of filter vessel designed to hold replaceable cartridge filters. These housings typically come in a slimmer cylindrical design compared to standard filter vessels and are made from materials like plastic or stainless steel. They offer easy access for replacing the cartridge filters, which come in various configurations depending on the filtration application. Common applications for cartridge filter housings include pre-filtration in reverse osmosis systems, sediment removal, and carbon filtration for taste and odor improvement.

Cartridges / Filter Bags

Filter Bag

Cartridges and filter bags are interchangeable terms used to describe disposable filter media utilized within filter housings. These versatile filtration elements come in a variety of configurations to target specific contaminants. Pleated media cartridges offer a larger surface area for capturing particles, while depth filters trap contaminants throughout their entire structure. Membrane filters provide a finer level of filtration, suitable for removing bacteria and microorganisms. Filter bags, typically made of fabric or mesh, are well-suited for capturing larger particles in applications like pre-filtration. Both cartridges and filter bags offer an efficient and replaceable solution for various filtration needs, ensuring clean and contaminant-free liquids.

PVC Fittings

PVC Fittings

PVC fittings are essential components used in plumbing and piping systems to connect pipes of various diameters and change the direction of flow. They are manufactured from Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), a cost-effective and durable plastic material that is resistant to corrosion and many chemicals. PVC fittings come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, including elbows, tees, couplings, reducers, caps, and flanges. These fittings allow for the creation of complex piping configurations, enabling the efficient distribution of liquids and gases in residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

Stainless Steel Pipes and Fittings

Stainless Steel Pipes and Fittings

Stainless steel pipes and fittings are a premium choice for high-pressure, high-temperature, and corrosion-resistant piping applications. Made from durable stainless steel alloys, these pipes and fittings offer superior strength, longevity, and resistance to various chemicals and environmental factors. Stainless steel pipes are available in various grades and thicknesses to meet specific pressure and temperature requirements. Common applications include water supply lines, gas lines, fire sprinkler systems, chemical processing plants, and marine environments. The corresponding stainless steel fittings, similar to the pipes, come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, allowing for the creation of complex piping configurations. They are typically joined using welding or threading techniques to ensure a secure and leak-proof connection.

TDS Meter​

TDS Meter

A TDS meter, also known as a Total Dissolved Solids meter, is a portable instrument used to estimate the amount of dissolved solids present in a liquid. These dissolved solids can include inorganic salts, organic materials, and even some suspended particles that conduct electricity. The meter measures the electrical conductivity (EC) of the solution, which generally increases with the concentration of dissolved solids. While not a direct measurement of specific contaminants, TDS meter readings provide a quick and convenient way to assess overall water quality and its suitability for various applications. TDS readings are typically displayed in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/L).

pH Meter

pH Meter

A pH meter is a scientific instrument used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid solution. Expressed in pH units ranging from 0 to 14, with 7 indicating neutrality, a pH meter helps determine the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution. It typically consists of a voltmeter connected to a specialized electrode (often glass) and a reference electrode. When submerged in a solution, the electrodes generate a small voltage based on the H+ ion concentration. The meter converts this voltage into a corresponding pH reading displayed on a digital or analog scale. This information is crucial in various applications, such as monitoring water quality, optimizing chemical processes, and ensuring proper conditions in food and beverage production.

Flow Meters

Flow Meters

Flow meters are instruments used to measure the rate of flow of a liquid passing through a pipe. They come in various types, each suited to different applications and flow rates. Some common types include positive displacement meters, which trap a specific volume of fluid and count the number of times the volume is filled and emptied, providing an accurate measurement of total flow. Velocity meters, on the other hand, measure the velocity of the fluid at a specific point in the pipe and use this data to calculate the volumetric flow rate. Selection of the right flow meter depends on factors like pipe size, desired accuracy, and the type of fluid being measured. Flow meters play a crucial role in various applications, including monitoring water usage, controlling industrial processes, and ensuring efficient operation of pipelines.

Pressure Gauges

Pressure Gauges

Pressure gauges are instruments used to measure the pressure of a liquid within a closed system. Typically consisting of a sealed, curved tube or diaphragm that expands or contracts slightly as the pressure increases or decreases, they translate this movement into a readable pressure value. This value is displayed on a calibrated scale with markings in units like pounds per square inch (psi), bar, or megapascals (MPa). Pressure gauges come in various designs, each suited to different pressure ranges and applications. Some are mechanical, utilizing the aforementioned moving parts, while others are digital, offering electronic readouts and data logging capabilities. They are essential tools in various industries for monitoring pressure in hydraulic systems, pipelines, boilers, and a wide range of other applications where maintaining safe and optimal pressure levels is crucial.