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Water Treatment Chemicals

Water Treatment Chemicals

Membrane systems have become a more cost-effective and sustainable manner of meeting today’s enormous need for fresh water as desalination technology has advanced in recent years. Reverse osmosis systems that remove salt and other minerals from seawater or brackish water, as well as bacteria and other deposits, often require chemical treatment to keep membrane surfaces clean. Our desalination water treatment products are designed to safeguard and optimise your membrane process, ensuring the availability of clean water even in the most demanding circumstances.

Flocon anatisalants provides water treatment solutions to meet all of your membrane operation requirements. Its cleaners are intended to remove anything from organic deposits and silt to metal hydroxides, while its biocides are excellent at eliminating biofilm and suppressing bacterial activity throughout a wide pH range. Our antiscalants are designed specifically to keep membrane surfaces free of scale across a wide variety of water chemistries seen in reverse osmosis systems.